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Nella lettura online di oggi 30/12/2015 he's out

Il Carro

The Chariot Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky - Camoin

The Chariot Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky – Camoin

could not start better preparation for celebration the transition from one year to the next. The Chariot in this reading indicates a new beginning and I would say that so far so according to plan. But what else suggests? Dynamism and passing action. I guess we'll all be a little’ more Active in preparing the festivities. However Wagon suggests good auspices. But keep an careful imprudence and haste. What's the hurry anyway if we know that “the company” will fail? If he stood up a bit’ impatience get questions about how you are acting. So even if something does not go as we wanted, we go to the origin of the emotion that generates in us, and you will see that we will obtain something extra. A situation experienced in a negative way can be turned into positive and instructive.

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