Know yourself

The Path Tarot invites to Travel during theto Reading Tarot.

A Journey in search of your self and your Talents. A journey that shows you the answers to your questions.

Mastering aspects to you dearest, all that you care: love, Job, Family, Just friends or what intrigues you

The cards put you in touch with your soul and you show the images the journey of life.

What a way to go? It will be there Right person Leg? How will develop job? And the’love? Because I have these fears?

To you to choose which path to travel.


Discover the Major Arcana

The Power Within

The Inner Power with Morello Lucia and Nicola Ceschel Intensive Seminar Meditation and Yoga truly unique opportunity to discover the power of words but, especially your personal Words of Power. The key to Read more…

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