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The Power of the Tarot of Marseilles – Jodorowsky – Camoin

The force, Tarot of Marseilles number XI comes out again in the online reading today 09/02/2016.

We still support “sprintoso” of this mystery. still we apply our Strength Will. Direzioniamola towards a change. Change one of your old habit… fit it all. Be patient in doing this, do not expect immediate results but take it as a “exercisedi pazienza e sappiate che questo Arcano vi aiuta e vi sorregge e alla fine sicuramente ne uscirete vincitori. Abbiate Coraggio e buttatevi appieno nell’affrontare questo cambiamento! Be instinctive but weighted, I am determined but serene, be strong but sweet. good “passage” from an old habit of liberation from it.

If you have no desire to do anything, because it could happen, dedicate your attention to a elderly, put your physical energies, mental and emotional at its disposal, It will be good for both. I highly recommend you do it, otherwise you'll waste a good opportunity.

Good day.

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