The Forza in the online reading today, 08/02/2016.

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The Power of the Tarot of Marseilles – Jodorowsky – Camoin

For a start of the week in the sign of the sprint could not get out best card. identified dove applicarla e non demordete. You will have on your side tenacity and strength of will. Riuscirete ad ottenere quello che desiderate mantenendo questa determinazione. Obviously choose carefully “the object” of your desire. Stiamo parlando più in termini interiori che materiale. Se indirizzata bene La Forza vi porterà ad una completa realization interior and a consequent rebalancing of your emotions. State careful stubbornness and abuse of your willpower. This Arcanum always suggested to be soft and not disruptive fallocraticamente. Morbidezza, calm and determination.

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