The Wheel of Fortune Jodorowsky – Camoin

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Contrary to what that might suggest the name of the Arcane does not refer to cases of luck but the renovation, that takes place after the moment of crisis occurred in’Arcanum 9, The Hermit. In particular, if it comes out the beginning of a draw It indicates the end of a past episode and the beginning of a new cycle, and also cancel other cards “negative” in the draw near The Wheel, except for The Tower (which I will discuss later).

At the end a draw experience indicates that it is experiencing is fully concluded and now belongs to the past. Represents a block that must be overcome when you find half a draw, We must then proceed with the extraction of an other paper to understand how to move the block.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests reflection the inevitable succession of ups and downs of life, us towards change and renewal accepting the constant changing things. The wheel is fixed just to remind us that nothing in the universe is the.

On the horizon of the consulting loom unexpected events, a renewal not let pass unnoticed. The outcome that you will give to the unfolding of the situation, un po’ come ne Justice, corresponds to the behavior so far and what is sown is harvested.

Renewal, keyword of this Arcanum, be caught “on the fly”, it is usually a small window into what is going through, so the paper also calls be present, be awake, be careful about everything that happens. Obviously in a draw the other cards can give an indication on where to look or what to observe more carefully so as not to miss the possibility of renewal.

Good all things to all!

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