The Star in the online reading today 17/02/2016.

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The Star Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky - Camoin

The Star Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky – Camoin

With this Arcano Today will be easy to find our place in the world. What do you mean? Well, in any situation you find yourself in ease, you will have confidence in you and you will feel satisfied. Do not be afraid to be happy, the bottom should be the purpose of our lives be. From experience I have noticed that people are often afraid of being… Stella takes us on this day helping us in “Hard moments” you can present, the important thing is to keep in mind altruism and happiness, your and other.

continuing from online reading 15 February and of yesterday, The Stella also offers an good outcome for love that interest which it has attracted around Valentine. In fact indicate the Birth of a romantic love… But do not rush, be patient, enjoy this moment that keeps you on your toes and be sure that will be fine, It is not yet the time to act… maybe “tease” and, but just to increase a little’ the Hold dose so as to savor the short completion.

Be calm and serene La Stella today protects us. And do not despair if something goes “awry” as Igor would have said in Frankenstein Junior: “it could be worse, it might rain”… ah, a moment, but today it's raining… 🙂

Good day!

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