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Nella lettura online di oggi, 23/01/2016 she has left

The Temperanza

Temperance Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky - Camoin

Temperance Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky – Camoin

Look for a balance crucciatevi and not for the situations that concern you, Temperance shows that everything is evolving e progredendo. Be careful, however, to your degree of “discipline” e moderation. Per “do not worry” means a not get in way of thinking about the problems fixed but have the patience wait and do not overdo. Be calm and morigerati, not because something is alteratevi transforming. As reported in the description of La Temperanza on this site:“pay attention to communication verbal methods should be used and not ... conciliatory and soft, They are to avoid outbursts and irritability”.

So the advice for today, but try to be always, It is to be zen. Respirate, respirate, respirate…and add a pinch of “pepe

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