Pope, The Pope of Jodorowsky - Camoin

Pope, The Pope of Jodorowsky – Camoin

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Dad, come La Papessa, everything is focused on the authority spiritual, on the wisdom and good advice, It differs greatly by the "earthly" expressed by Emperor. Dad, l’Arcano V, obviously does not refer only to the spirit but is the wisdom sincere, tense aspects "spiritual" of the situations that are asked for clarification from the consultant. This Arcanum has learned to sublimate the earthly aspects, drives, instincts and passions. A person who has reached the pinnacle of its potential on all fronts.

Do not scare the contradictions, on the contrary, it is precisely in reconciliation of "opposites" that best applies its role. It can also represent a situation that suddenly resolves, no apparent reason. A protection Elevated or hidden beneficial influences.

He knows how to give their best, very eloquent and convincing, it is in line with the universal law, cosmic wisdom. Everything that happens, which can be interpreted as beneficial or not, It should be respected and accepted, as an expression of the harmony of the universe.

The Pope is the mediator par excellence, a guarantor of diplomacy, Loyalty, legality, contact advantageous especially in the juvenile. See the two acolytes kneeling in front of his picture. If the Pope comes out in a draft concerning the results of a situation, it indicates that the action taken will be advantageous respectively to the amount of effort, determination and serenity you are employed, obviously no expectations "selfish" and ego.

Good all round!

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