The Forza di Jodorowsky - Camoin

The Forza di Jodorowsky – Camoin

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The force, Major Arcana number indicates XI the beginning of an activity or that creativity and instinct will be the predominant part of this period of life. Where does my strength? What are my wishes? Is a large willpower able to exert a “power” on the case, Barriers, over adversity. You have all the energy you need to deal with obstacles that arise with character and methodicality.

I results of this wonderful force, tenacity, optimism, autonomy and self-assurance are guaranteed above all to those who do not give up the struggle and the challenge and carry out their projects with conviction and sincerity.

An Arcane, The force, definitely positive, of course as always also it depends on other cards of the draw, but the force is able to give a positive influence on the draw generally.

Good all things to all!

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