L'Imperatrice di Jodorowsky - Camoin

The Empress of Jodorowsky – Camoin

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Major Arcana number III. After La Papessa another woman. The Empress suggests action and movement, to notice his gaze toward the future, to the right. An action in the early stages, a project in the first stage with all the emotional aspects that this entails. Or, afraid to start, indecision between acting and not acting.

The spring that is passed to the action is the creativity, female, or the spirit of adolescence with her joy of making and fanaticism towards their own choices. It can also be a powerful woman who likes “conceive and reign”, even for small projects and ideas.

A woman who likes to control or which is controlled from the outside. In the latter case the Empress can become venal, bad or capable of unpleasant actions.

It may indicate a success, especially for the studio, jobs “intellectuals”, the comunication. An exam or an interview successfully.

Good all things to all!

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